influence FM “Actions” Button

influenceFM “Actions” Button Overview Textual content is below the video. influenceFM “Actions” Button Below will explain what the orange “Actions” button will do in Connect, SmartRate, Production and WikiCopy. The Action button is...

influenceFM Filters Search & Bulk Action

Filter Search & Bulk Actions Textual content is below the video. Filter Search and Bulk Action (click to open) Filters & Bulk Action Search Through Your Customer List Click Connect on the left side menu and choose “Customer List” from the drop-down...

(For Managers) Learn Connect’s Pending Actions

Welcome to influence FM’s connect’s Pending Actions Textual documentation is below the video.  Philosophy Pending actions in connect is the “Anti-Neglect”, “the Red Flag”, or “Tattle Tell” feature in the system...

Production: Production Order Work Flow

Production: Production Order Work Flow Textual content is below the video. Production Order Work Flow Production Order Work Flow Status of the Production Order 1. Copy Writer/Drafts: the rep or the copy writer creates the copy for the ad and then submits that ad to...

influence FM “+ New” Options Available

influenceFM “+ New” Options Available Textual content is below the video. influenceFM “+ New” Options Available The + New Section is a convenient time saving option. The “+ New” options are available when you would like to enter a...

influenceFM Alerts & Tasks

influenceFM Alerts & Tasks Textual content is below the video. Alerts & Tasks (click to open) Alerts & Tasks Alerts should be the 1st thing you check everyday when you initially open influenceFM. Alerts are located under the little bell icon on the top...

influenceFM Open Prospect List

influenceFM Open Prospect List Textual content is below the video. Open Prospect List (click to open) Open Prospects Claim An Open Prospect On the left side of your screen, click on “Connect” and choose “Open Prospects” from the drop-down menu....

(For Managers) Connect/CRM Settings Overview

(For Managers) Connect/CRM Settings Overview Textual content is below the video. To get to ALL settings in influence FM, click your name in the top right-hand corner and select any option you may need. General Settings (click to open) General Settings Management To...


influence FM Documentation Search for: Management Training Click Here F.A.Q. Click Here Helpful Sales Tips & Tools Click Here Calendar Alerts & Tasks Dashboard Open Prospects Contracts Production TeleProspecting Search Customers Traffic WikiCopy Actions F.A.Q. How do...

Calendar: Scheduling Appointments

Calendar Training – Scheduling A New Appointment Textual documentation is below video. Scheduling An Appointment In Your Calendar (click to open) Get To Know Your Calendar: Taking a detailed look at completing your daily appointments Adding appointments to your...

Calendar: Making Appointments In Your Calendar

Welcome to influence FM’s connect CRM Calendar Training Textual documentation is below video. Getting to Know Your Calendar (click to open) Get To Know Your Calendar: Taking a detailed look at completing your daily appointments To add an appointment from the...

Production: Preproduced Production Orders

How To Submit A Preproduced Production Order to Traffic Textual content is below video. To expand video click on the icon at the very bottom right of the video. Preproduced Production Orders (click to open) Submitting a Preproduced Production Order To Traffic A...

Calendar: Completing Your Calendar

Calendar Training: Completing Your Calendar Textual content is below the video. Calendar Training (click to open) Calendar Training: Completing Your Calendar This is by far the most important component to influence FM’s calendar. In order to fill out your...

(For Managers) Approve or Reject a SmartRate Contract

(For Managers) Approve or Reject a SmartRate Contract Textual content is below the video. Approve or Reject a Contract (click to open) Contract Management: How to Approve or Reject a SmartRate Contract: You must have permission in order to approve or reject a...

(For Managers) Pending Contracts

(For Managers) Pending Contracts Textual content is below the video. Pending Contracts (click to open) Contract Management: Pending Contracts – In this section, managers will be able to approve, reject or edit a contract, as well as, sending an approved contract...

influence FM WikiCopy Library

WikiCopy: Radio Copy Library Textual content is below the video. WikiCopy (click to open) WikiCopy To Write Ad Content No more writers block when trying to write radio ads. We have over 350,000 pieces of copy in our copy library that is 100% free to use! WikiCopy was...

Production: Learn influence FM’s New PO Features

How to Create a New Production Order Textual content is below video. To expand video click on the icon at the very bottom right of the video. There are two types of production orders in influence FM: Standard PO – This is when you actually need to get a...

(For Managers) Manage Custom Forms

(For Managers) Custom Forms Training Textual content below the video To get to custom forms (and ALL settings) Click your name in the top right hand corner. Custom Forms Settings Custom Forms Management: CNA Forms:         Here is where you can...

Production: Learn influence FM’s Production Feature

Production & Traffic Order Training Textual content is below video. To expand video click on the icon at the very bottom right of the video. Understanding the Creative Process and Work Flow (click to open) This Section Will Tell You What The Status of Each PO...

SmartRate: Managing your Contracts

Welcome to influence FM’s how to Guide on Managing Customer Contracts Textual documentation is below the video Finding your Customer Contracts (click to open) Finding your Customer Contracts: There are three different ways you can find a contract: A simple...