influenceFM Open Prospect List

influenceFM Open Prospect List Textual content is below the video. Open Prospect List (click to open) Open Prospects Claim An Open Prospect On the left side of your screen, click on “Connect” and choose “Open Prospects” from the drop-down menu....

influence FM TeleProspecting

TeleProspecting Textual content is below the video. TeleProspecting (click to open) TeleProspecting TeleProspecting is a great feature where random potential customers come up on the page for sales reps to contact after they enter in the zip code for that area they...

(For Managers) Archiving An Employee

(For Managers) Archiving An Employee Textual content is below the video. Archiving An Employee (click to open) Archiving An Employee How to Archive an Employee: When you need to archive an employee, the first thing you need to do is make sure that those customers are...

influence FM “Actions” Button

influenceFM “Actions” Button Overview Textual content is below the video. influenceFM “Actions” Button Below will explain what the orange “Actions” button will do in Connect, SmartRate, Production and WikiCopy. The Action button is...

(For Managers) Learn about influence FM’s Reports

Learn about influence FM’s Reports Available Reports for Managers in influenceFM (Daily activity reports run at 3:00 AM Pacific time.) The following are 8 detailed reports available for managers: Projections Collections Projected Sales Annual Budgets Friday...


influence FM Documentation Search for: Management Training Click Here F.A.Q. Click Here Helpful Sales Tips & Tools Click Here Calendar Alerts & Tasks Dashboard Open Prospects Contracts Production TeleProspecting Search Customers Traffic WikiCopy Actions F.A.Q. How do...

Calendar: Scheduling Appointments

Calendar Training – Scheduling A New Appointment Textual documentation is below video. Scheduling An Appointment In Your Calendar (click to open) Get To Know Your Calendar: Taking a detailed look at completing your daily appointments Adding appointments to your...

Calendar: Making Appointments In Your Calendar

Welcome to influence FM’s connect CRM Calendar Training Textual documentation is below video. Getting to Know Your Calendar (click to open) Get To Know Your Calendar: Taking a detailed look at completing your daily appointments To add an appointment from the...

Calendar: Completing Your Calendar

Calendar Training: Completing Your Calendar Textual content is below the video. Calendar Training (click to open) Calendar Training: Completing Your Calendar This is by far the most important component to influence FM’s calendar. In order to fill out your...

influenceFM Filters Search & Bulk Action

Filter Search & Bulk Actions Textual content is below the video. Filter Search and Bulk Action (click to open) Filters & Bulk Action Search Through Your Customer List Click Connect on the left side menu and choose “Customer List” from the drop-down...

(For Managers) Learn Connect’s Pending Actions

Welcome to influence FM’s connect’s Pending Actions Textual documentation is below the video.  Philosophy Pending actions in connect is the “Anti-Neglect”, “the Red Flag”, or “Tattle Tell” feature in the system...

(For Managers) Learn influence FM’s Reports for Managers

Welcome to influence FM’s Reports Training Reports For Managers (click to open) Reports Management Available Reports for Managers: (Daily activity reports run at 3:00 AM Pacific time.) The following are 8 detailed reports available for managers: Projections...

Calendar: Learn Connect’s CRM Calendar

Welcome to influence FM’s connect CRM Calendar Training Textual documentation is below video. Adding a task from the calendar screen (click to open) The “Task” Module is integrated into the calendar. To add a task from the calendar follow the...

influence FM Connect’s CRM Customer List

influence FM’s Connect Customer List Textual content is below the video Philosophy: Recommended Read (click to open) Philosophy of influence FM’s CRM: Sales is the HARDEST Job in the world! The idea behind the influence FM client list and calendar is to...